So far, we have considered the techniques breathing and pelvic position for Pilates. This month we are going to have a look at our ribs. “My ribs looks fine!”, you’re thinking. “They are attached to my vertebrae and encase my lungs.” What else do they do? Well, your ribcage placement gives a good indication of the engagement of your abdominals. The abdominal wall is attached to the bottom ribs. Keeping the abdominal muscles engaged helps prevent the ribs from “popping up”. What is “popping up”? Well, your back arches, or extends, more than normal and as a result your ribs “pop up” or “out” more than normal, depending on whether you are seated or lying supine, that is face up.
Engaging the abdominal muscles not only keeps the ribs stabilized and in neutral position, but also the spine because the ribs are attached to the vertebral column. As a result during arm movements engaging the abdominal muscles helps keep the ribs and spine in a neutral and stable position.
Let’s try the following.
- Lie face up, knees bent, feet sit bones apart, flat on the floor and pelvis in neutral position. Reach your arms up towards the ceiling.
- Take a deep breath in and on the exhale drop your arms up over head and onto the floor above your head.
- Consider your spine and ribs. Does your spine feel more extended than when your arms were pointing straight up to the ceiling? Do your ribs feel like they are “popping up” or “out” more than when your arms were pointing straight up to the ceiling? Do your abdominals feel fully engaged?
- Let’s try steps 1. and 2. again but this time as you reach your arms up over head think about your engage your abdominals as much as you can and think about your spine and ribs as you slowly reach your arms up over your head towards the floor. When you feel your spine starting to over extend and your ribs starting to “pop up” or “out” stop reaching your arms up over head. This is as far back as you can reach your arms over head while maintaining abdominal engagement.
This is the point at which you can reach your arms up overhead when performing arm movements and maintain abdominal engagement maintaining stability in your ribcage and thus spine. As your abdominals increase in strength you will be able to reach your arms further above your head.
Certified Stott instructor. Experience with teching, instructing, owning a Pilates studio and meeting people and postures.