What is sciatica and why is it so painful?

I have heard sciatica can be very painful and can be due to many different factors and conditions including having one leg longer than the other.  Can Pilates help alleviate the shooting pain that comes with sciatica? What exactly is sciatica? Sciatica is a set of symptoms not a diagnosis itself. Sciatica is a term…

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Do you have one leg longer than the other?

We are not all perfectly symmetrical. We have imbalances throughout our bodies. These can muscular, physical, i.e. bone lengths, and more. Having one limb longer than the other is quite common. One leg longer than the other is also quite common too. While it may not make a difference in how your live your life,…

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Why Strengthen Tight Hamstrings?

Many people have tight hamstrings. Tight hamstrings can be prone to tears and limit sporting activities. The hamstring muscle consists of three muscles, semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps femoris as can be seen in the figure below. Tight hamstrings can be responsible for postural problems and back problems as they will tend to pull the pelvis…

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How to use Pilates for weight loss as a balanced approach to fitness and wellness

When people think about losing weight they think about hard work, burning calories through laborious cardiovascular exercises, eating very scantily and differently from what they are accustomed to among many other not so enjoyable prospects. Pilates, while not traditionally thought of as a weight-loss form of exercise, does promote weight loss. With regular commitment to…

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How to Strengthen with Pilates for Rotator Cuff Health

The rotator cuff is a group of tendons and muscles in the shoulder. Rotator cuff disorders occur when tissues in the shoulder get irritated or damaged. Keeping the muscles of the rotator cuff strong and healthy will help prevent injuries. Strengthening is necessary when recovering from rotator cuff injuries. Pilates, both on the mat and…

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