Where are the best places to take Pilates classes?

We know all about Pilates, or at least enough to know it is beneficial. But now we need to know how to get started and involved in Pilates. Places to take Pilates classes: Boutique Studio, Gym, Community Centre, Online Videos You’ve heard about Pilates. You’ve heard that all the stars you see, athletes you follow…

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Why is the pelvic floor important?

You’ve mentioned the pelvic floor a number of times already.  Can you say a bit more about it and how its connection with Pilates? What is the pelvic floor?  The pelvic floor is a set of muscles, ligaments and tissues that act like a hammock that supports the organs of the pelvis. How do you…

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Why do we get muscle cramps?

It’s very common for people who start Pilates to get muscle cramps. Foot cramps are especially common. You’ll hear and see people in classes, especially reformer classes while doing footwork or when their feet are in the straps, stop and grab their feet. They’ve probably got a cramp. There are so many little muscles in…

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What muscles are used in a golf swing?

Golf season is just around the corner. Presumably you’ve been training all winter but if you’re just now thinking about getting ready for the golf season, targeting the muscles used in golf will be the best place to start. So what muscles are used in a golf swing?  Muscles Used in a Golf Swing Upper…

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Did you know that Pilates matwork can help your glutes?

Most people hear the word Pilates and think of working the “core” muscles and think of their abdominals and complementary exercises for the back muscles. Pilates is more than just a set of exercises performed in sequence targeting the abs. There are also many pieces of equipment, apparatus, props etc. used in Pilates all adding…

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What is the SI joint and can Pilates help?

What is the SI joint?  The SI joint, or sacroiliac joint, is the joint between the sacrum and ilium of the pelvis joined together by ligaments. Refer to the diagram below. The sacrum supports the spine and is supported by the ilium on each side. The joint is a strong, weather bearing synovial joint with…

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An overview of muscles and problems with the knee

You talked about knees being a potential joint problem for people.  What muscles and exercises can help? The knees are the most easily injured part of the body. It’s the largest and most complicated joint. The knee is used for so many things. Standing up, sitting, walking, running, just about anything that comes to mind….

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Is Pilates a quick fix for flabby abs?

Preventative measures are always wisest when going through life. “Flabby abs” are the result of not keeping up with toning and strengthen exercises for the core region of the body which includes the abdmonials..  Pilates is known for strengthening the abdominal muscles. So let’s start there.  There is no real quick fix for “flabby abs”….

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How to incorporate Pilates for postantal recovery

I know people who have just had babies and want to get back into exercising but have so little energy and time.  I’m thinking Pilates may suit them.  Would Pilates be a good postnatal form of exercise to start with? You’re a new mom and just went through pregnancy, trying to eat well, staying fit…

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How to incorporate Pilates for low back pain sufferers?

I hear people complain about low back pain all the time.  Among the things people talk about trying or have tried, I do hear the word Pilates come up from time to time.  Can you tell me a bit about how to incorporate in Pilates for low back pain sufferers? What is low back pain?…

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