Your ribcage placement gives a good indication of the engagement of your abdominals. The abdominal wall is attached to the bottom ribs. Keeping the abdominal muscles engaged helps prevent the ribs from “popping up”. What is “popping up”? Well, your back arches, or extends, more than normal and as a result your ribs “pop up” or “out” more than normal, depending on whether you are seated or lying supine, that is face up.
Read moreWhat is neutral and imprint position?
In this issue we will look at the second technique emphasized in Pilates. We’re going to look at the pelvis and its placement. Sometimes when you’re lying there trying to “engage” all the right muscles, breath, get your arms and legs coordinated your instructor will start going on about “neutral position” or “imprint position”. What is this Lululemon clad person getting so excited about? Your pelvis and its placement
Read moreMore about different types of breathing
There are so many things to remember when you start Pilates. I still cannot remember it all. I try to remind myself of one thing only: the more I can implement the techniques of Pilates, the better and quicker the results. This I have seen from experience. We will just focus on the breathing in this issue.
How hard can it be to breath, you’re wondering. Depending on how you want to breathe and how do breath it can be difficult. There are different types of breathing, Costal or Chest breathing, Abdominal or Diaphragmatic breathing, Clavicular breathing and 3-dimensional breathing used in Pilates.
The First Principle of Pilates the Breathing Principle of Pilates
The general rule with breathing in Pilates is to breathe out on the effort. When you don’t breathe, muscles become tense. Proper breathing helps the body stretch and release tension. This will help promote optimal body control. Breathing supports the following ideas in Pilates. Oxygenation releases tense muscles: When we breathe effectively, oxygen flowed into our blood which flows through our muscles. More oxygen in the muscles means more relaxed muscles. The more effective our breathing in Pilates the more we can release tense muscles that are being recruited to help with a particular exercise.
Read moreWhat are the basic principles of Pilates?
Eight Basic Principes of Pilates As with any activity there are rules or techniques or in the case of Pilates, principles, that, if followed give maximum benefit. These eight principles are those outlined by Joseph Pilates himself. Understanding and striving to incorporate these principles into your Pilates workout is the difference between doing a series of…
Read moreWhat exactly is mind body exercise?
Good question. I like to think all exercise involves the mind and body. In Pilates there is a conscious effort to think or involve the mind while performing each movement. i.e. thinking about the muscles the exercises is engaging; the sequence of firing of the muscles to perform the given movement; involving the mind when applying the basic principles of Pilates.
Read moreAre there any misconceptions or myths about Pilates?
Pilates is very adaptable to a person’s ability. There are many exercises, many variations and many little props and toys to make an exercise either more doable or more challenging for a particular body. Depending on the intensity of the work out, a Pilates class can be very easy or very demanding. As a result, when in a large group setting, not everyone will be getting the workout that suits their needs, abilities and fitness level.
Read moreSome of the reasons to do Pilates
Why do Pilates? Pilates is more than a fitness or exercise class. Pilates is a great way to add to your existing exercise regime, start exercising or getting back into exercising after a long hiatus. The basic principles of Pilates apply to all movements of everyday life: control, breath, flowing movement, precision, centering, stability, range…
Read moreWhat is Pilates? Is it like yoga?
No. I’m no yogi so I don’t want to claim yoga is this or that. The little I do understand about yoga is that it is an old form of exercise both physically, mentally and spiritually that has many styles and deserving of its own book, which there are many. The most notable difference between…
Read moreAre Pilates and yoga the same thing?
Is pilates like yoga? This is a common question I would get a lot. Not it’s not. But Pilates does borrow from many movement modalities out there including yoga. So elements of yoga will appear in Pilates classes but with that Pilates
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