Pilates is great for strengthening the core muscles, which include the abdominals and back muscles. This is great for strengthening the lower back and minimizing back pain.
Read moreHow do I know if I have kyphotic posture?
Kyphosis may also be coupled with lordosis. What is lordosis? Lordosis occurs when there is increased extension in the lumbar vertebrae (lower spine).
Scheuermann’s disease is a developmental disorder that causes those with the disease to have this stopped bent-over posture as a result of excessive kyphosis
Some of the benefits of Pilates for men
For many men, the ageing process can be full of surprises both pleasant and unpleasant. Often, the advent of a man’s 40’s and onwards comes with marked changes in the way their bodies function, and the impact it has on their daily activities. Athletic pursuits like running, hiking or exercise regimens become more challenging or…
Read moreThe value of other types of physical activity besides Pilates
Just because this site is about Pilates doesn’t mean other forms of physical activity are not equally and sometimes more valuable. Why do pilates at all can be to maintain strength and enduracne for other physical activities.
Read moreWhat is good posture vs bad posture?
Why do pilates? There are many different posture types and not all good.
Read moreIs Pilates good for increasing abdmonial strength?
There are many of doing pilates regularly. One of the more common reasons take up pilates is for the core strength or the tight, flat abs. Another “Why do pilates?” reason.
Read moreYour posture is like your home.
Why do pilates? Your posture can give you many reasons why to do pilates.
Read moreWould you say any form of exercise would help reduce anxiety?
Any form of physical activity is good for the body but also the mind. Physical movements gets something flowing throughout the body and to and from the brain as well. It’s like a feel good pill for everything!
Why do Pilates? To be able to sit with someone comfortably and get up on your own when you’re older. Ottawa Toronto Canada
Read moreCan Pilates can reduce stress? How?
Pilates isn’t just beneficial for the body but also the mind. It helps reduce stress in the body but also the mind through it’s breathing, control and more.
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