Apart from mat and Reformer, the cadillac is another apparatus for Pilates training. Unlike reformers, the Pilates Cadillac is not widely available though it’s certainly a piece of equipment that looks familiar when you visit someone in the hospital. Yes, it looks like a hospital bed! It was invented by the famous – Joseph Pilates – who was sent to work in camps during WWII. During that time, he was exposed to a lot of sick people and those that were bedridden with no physical mobility. So, he came up with the idea of using springs (see picture below) and having them hooked up on the bed posts so patients can move with the resistance of spring tensions. In his mind, everybody should be able to walk and move. As a result, it quickens the healing process once the patients are able to move and regain their physical mobility.

Nowadays, the Cadillac has more dynamic components in it, incorporating functional and athletic training in mind. 

The centre piece is a movable Trapeze bar. On the head of the Cadillac hangs two springs which could be either used for legs or arms work (inter-changeable), as well as a roll down bar. On the opposite side, it has a steel bar (push-through bar) which can hook up with one or two spring tensions to assist flexion, extension, lateral flexion as well as arm and leg movements. 

In general, any exercises that can be performed in reformer, can be also performed in Cadillac, with the exception of foot work. Other exercises are almost identical such as mid-back series, back and front rolling, standing arm works etc. As well, the spring tensions are available either from below or above which makes the movements more challenging and versatile. 

The Cadillac has a stable surface. Clients need to have a good body awareness and have been in training with a certified instructor for a period of time before using it. As well, a spotter or trained individual is required to be there when any exercises are performed.

Pilates Instructor apparatus, Pilates