Props are not lacking in Pilates training. A prop in Pilates is really just a toy that is used to add something to the exercise. Whether that be support or instability creating greater challenge, the prop used and how it is used is really dependent on the client using it. The Pilates foam roller is a good example of a prop. It’s probably one of the most popular props found in a studio. Though it comes with different textures and length variations, depending on the brand, they are essentially the same – made with dense foam in order to support the entire body throughout a workout. 

The cylinder design is a step further from matwork. On the unstable surface, muscles are retrained and recruited in order to control the movements and stabilize the torso. Hence, it engages the deep stabilizers and challenges the tiny little muscles that wouldn’t have been engaged in daily activities. The Foam Roller is definitely great for balance training and core strengthening, and an added benefit to your workout.

The workout could be done in a supine, prone or side-lying position depending on your goals. Some Reformer exercises can be done with foam roller, imitating the movements such as knee stretches, spinal articulation, shoulder bridge, breaststroke preps, swan dives, Ab prep, to name a few. Overall, most feel more of an abdominal work due to the unstable surface with the Pilates foam roller.

Pilates Instructor Pilates, Props