Pilates for snowboarding

Snowboarding has been slowly growing since it was invented in 1965 reaching a peak in the 1990s. Consistently increasing in popularity since. Over half of the snowboarders are aged 7-17 and 25% are women. One out of every eight snowboarders is between the ages of 25-44. (18-30 years are the largest group) People are taking…

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The perfect marraige of Pilates and skating

Pilates is a form of overall strength and conditioning used in the development of strong core muscles also focusing on breathing, balance, and range of motion. Pilates helps increase joint stability and strengthens deep core muscles as a result leading to injury prevention and improved athletic performance. Even the most basic Pilates exercises can be…

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Learn how to cross train with Pilates for rock climbing

Whether outside or indoors, rock climbing is a full body workout. There are many muscles that come into play when rock climbing. Cross training with Pilates for rock climbing can be very beneficial. Let’s first look at some of the muscles that are used when rock climbining. More common muscles used when climbing: Forearms: Grip…

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Did you know that Pilates can help kayakers?

Pilates can help kayakers Kayaking is a low-impact cardio workout that provides a rigorous muscular strength workout.  Paddling down a quiet stream requires less work than trying to get through rapids without falling over. However, cross training during and off season can help make the experience more enjoyable. We’ll look more at how Pilates can…

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